The Benefits of Being a Sponsor
The Equestrian Business Awards aims to raise the profile of small equestrian businesses. They are the heroes of the equestrian industry who contribute to the education, health, training and welfare of horses across the UK as well as supporting owners, riders and other business.
The Equestrian Business Awards offer sponsorship opportunities that ensure your business gains maximum exposure and attention throughout the awards process and at the formal awards gala itself. We have a variety of packages to suit a range of budgets as we aim to make sponsorship accessible to all businesses no matter what shape or size they are.
There are so many benefits to becoming a sponsor. Here are the key reasons:
- Raise the profile of your business amongst the equestrian community - Your brand will feature on our website, social media platforms, marketing materials and across the venue at the awards evening. This will bring your business to the forefront of the equestrian community
- Networking Opportunities – Network with others within your field of expertise or across other fields within the equestrian community. Share knowledge in order to aid your professional development and advance that of others’.
- Be seen to be supporting the growth of others - Facilitating the recognition of their hard work, successes and achievements.
To enquire further about sponsorship opportunities contact us via email: